Two F15 fighter jets in the air

In use for several decades, the F-15 is one of the primary fighter jets used by the U.S. Air Force. The F-15 Eagle has earned its elite reputation from its unmatched maneuverability and acceleration speeds. While many F-15s are still in use today, the Eagle has its origins in the 1960s. Various F-15 models have seen upgrades over the years, but through it all the fighter jet has remained at the cutting edge of aviation technology.


History of the F15 Jet
The F-15 was originally commissioned by the U.S. Air Force in 1969. The original F-15 Eagle fighter jet was designed and manufactured by McDonnell Douglas, which has since been absorbed by Boeing. After initially winning the contract in 1969, McDonnel Douglas unveiled the first F-15 jet, the F-15A, in 1972. The F-15 was designed to be a small, ultra-maneuverable fighter jet. The initial design was for a single-pilot fighter jet that could fly multiple missions and offer consistent air superiority.

In the years since, numerous updated F-15 models have been introduced to fill larger needs for the Air Force. The F-15B was the second model introduced, and was used for training purposes. The only major change was the introduction of a second pilot station for the experienced pilot trainer.

Subsequent models have added advanced technology and equipment for greater performance and versatility across missions. Every update to the F-15 fighter jet over the years has been geared toward an even greater flying experience. Many of these upgrades rely on advancements to its on-board computing system which aids pilots in flight. The F-15 is still used today by the U.S. Air Force, as well as NASA and several other nations around the world.


Building the F15 Fighter Jet
When the U.S. Air Force commissioned the F15 fighter jet, the goal was to build a high-speed, lightweight military aircraft. To achieve this, McDonnel Douglas used primarily a combination of aluminum and titanium in the F-15’s design. The titanium wing support structures reduce the plane’s weight significantly compared to steel, while also improving aerodynamics.

The original design of the F15 Eagle was excellent at maintaining air superiority, as intended. However, the lightweight, single-pilot F15 jet was not viable for air-to-ground missions or missions relying on heavier payloads. The F15-D was introduced to meet demands for such missions. This version, introduced in 1979, featured two pilot stations, sacrificing some maneuverability for heavier payload.


Updating the F15 Fighter Jet
The F-15’s design is a major contributing factor to its superiority in flight. But it is the fighter jet’s on-board computer technology which enables the plane to reach its full potential. An F-15 pilot’s job relies heavily on feeding information to the plane’s computer. Using that information, and its own sensors, the F-15 makes adjustments in rapid time. This system enables the F-15 fighter jet to make adjustments mid-air much faster than a pilot could on their own. While the plane itself is an engineering marvel, this intelligence system is just as critical to its success. Many updates to the plane over the years–understandably–have involved upgrades to the F-15’s computing system. In fact, it is a testament to the original McDonnell Douglas design that the plane itself is largely unchanged today.

The newest F-15 model, introduced by Boeing in 2021, is the F-15EX Eagle II. This latest model was produced at the same plant in St. Louis originally used by McDonnell Douglas in the 1970s. Its design is largely similar to the F-15C with minor tweaks. The major changes include a heavier payload and easier integration for new technology.

F-15 maintenance is critical to maintaining the fighter jet’s air superiority. AllClear strives to provide unmatched precision and knowledge when it comes to maintaining aircrafts for our customers. If you need parts, service and expertise regarding this platform or many others, please contact AllClear today.